Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Would you boycott Tropicana OJ if I you knew they don't use Florida oranges for "some" of it's juice?

After they were bought by Coca Cola in 98, and after a few tropical storms "slowed production", they started using juice from Brazilian oranges. Now Brazil is producing big in the orange/citrus business, enough to be compared with Florida in the news. Florida takes it's orange and citrus production seriously, and proudly. As a Floridian I will be boycotting Tropicana (Coca Cola) and moving on to buy Florida OJ, and support the local groves.

We are in the last days,no? Look at this clear cut evidence?

If you really believe this, I have a test for you. Sell all your belongings and give all the money to charity, then live in homeless shelters until the end happens.

What is my identity ?

One of my parent was from India Hyderabad and the other from Pakistan Hyderabad. They got married in South Africa in 1930, I was born in Zimbabwe in 1939. I hold British Pport. My wife is a New Zealand resident & citizen but was born and brought up in Bangladesh. In this situation what is my identity...Pakistani, Indian, Zimbabwean, or British. What would be the identity of my wife Bangladeshi or New Zealand ?

I'm having triplets!!!?

Congrats! I think that you should pick out a few girls first and matching middle names and do the same for your son. Then once you see your children you will know. I had specific names picked out for my twin boys but when I saw them it changed. They just didnt look like the names that I had picked out. Good luck with everything

I have a lump on my bum ?

i have a lump on my bum near my but crack it is really painfull whenever i sit down what should i do help?

What media did da vinci use for his journal studies?

The anatomical studies of skulls like :

How Can i fix this problem?

Your winxp cd is damaged. Use another winxp cd. Then try it. If the problem persist, then put your RAM in another slot. Then your windows will be installed. There is nothing problem related to your hard disk.

What does your favorite bookmark look like?

Mine is a business card that my hot ADDS counselor gave me when I was in high school. I colored it in with highlighters, pink, yellow, and green ones. I've had it since I was 15.

Whats the big deal of spelling things wrong on yahoo answers?

u can understand it, this aint a essay so whats the big deal geez and it takes less time to type so yer

Are you a FASHION ?

No, but aspire to be a fashion , I'm too fat to be one, lol. But yeah I have subscriptions to Vogue, Elle, and Conde Nast Travellers (first year).

Wearing of the Muslim Burkha?

For a while now I have been wondering if it is possible for a male to wear the burkha. Whenever I have asked this question people seem to dismiss it or think that I am joking. However, as a white gay man I feel that the burkha is an extreemly attractive peice of clothing, and I find it ually arousing to wear it. I cannot find any burkha shops online and am worried of the consequences if I go into a high street shop and ask to try one on. I have on occasions borrowed my boyfriends' mothers' burkha and wandered around the Trafford Centre in Manchester. I find it so liberating to wear the burkha despite the comments my boyfriend made afterwards. Please help!

What would you ume?

Anyone that has a picture of Bin Laden that says that he's anything other than a piece of crap is a traitor to America. Sorry, but I would slap someone for that.

Relationship advice please?

Hey I have been in this exact situation before. I am a senior girl, and when I was a sopre, I was dating an older boy. I was not allowed to ride in cars with boys until I turned sixteen and my boyfriend could drive; so I could almost never go anywhere with him and our friends because they would all ride in a car together. My parents were very protective and hers seem like that as well. She is most likely still her daddy's little girl and she will have to earn her way to her freedom. Some more freedom will come with age, but some freedom can be earned by your girlfriend sitting down and having a heart-to-heart talk with her mom and especially her dad. She needs to let her parents know that she will make responsible decisions and she trusts you and likes you a lot. I did this with my parents and they slowly began to make changes with my hanging out with boys. Over time, parents become more lenient and they soon forget about the old regulations and such. Now, two years later, I am allowed to hang out alone with my boyfriend at his house or mine! It's changed a lot since I was 16 and I feel your pain. Good luck! :)

When Dems Say "Go Green" do they mean the $215 MIL. that two Clinton Employees Earned at Fannie Mae?

So I'm uming you don't support McCain considering that one of his advisors, Rick Davis has recieved $30,000 a month from Fannie/Freddie.

My female spayed dog is my 10 week old puppy?

Do you want to be in charge or just leave it to the dogs? If you want to be in charge then step in and stop the behavior. If you let the dogs work it out then the way they do that can involve bloodshed as the Boxer gets larger and matures.

Who is the most unattractive person you find yourself strangely attracted to?

Actor Ving Rhames. Or Rapper Rick Ross. To most, their unttractive but i find them soo y! Dont know why.

Do i sound attractive to you? Pls Answer?

I have blue eyes, dark brown almost 6 ft tall...I have a big "you know what"....people say I am handsome...I know Im intelligent...But I have the worst confidence in the world for some reason....I had acne for the last 7 years and it was a real confidence destroyer...Now i may just be realizing I am actually attractive since it is almost gone, and i don't know what to do with myself....I like being cynical, sarcastic and laid back. I'm not one of those abercrombie and fitch wearing dooshbags that are used to getting all the girls....Im just a nice independent minded guy....This really isn't a question I guess

Where should i get this tattoo?

It looks like it would be quite large for the forearm. I think that is a very neat idea and it will probably end up looking very cool. If you are worried about having it on your forearm then I wouldn't do it. Make sure you have zero doubts and you love it before you get it.

Asbestos in a late 1890s fireplace?

There are about 3000 different types of product around that were made from asbestos - but they are generally post first world war - and given the date of your fireplace you are probably looking at something like cast stone or marble (which can be granular) depending on its location. These were often finished to look a bit grander than white marble so I would not worry - seal it over and touch it up.

Will the saw ride ever come to america?

omg so i just herd about the saw ride and im so stoked though i live in cali and its in the uk so im pissed idk if it will ever come to america help meeeeeee!!!!!

Casey Anthony ?- has anyone heard of allegations she was molested by dad and brother? Could child be theirs...?

since she has refused to name real father of Caylee? Do you think her brother or any other family member may have helped her dispose of body?

Help me with math!?

a gate is 12 dm long and 5 dm wide. it had a board to reinforce it that runs along it diagonal. how long is this board?

Light pink stuff in my rat's cage?

Its most likley is blood it may not look like it but if the rat is a female and not spayed then it could be getting its period and yes animals do get it to

Business cl JFK to KWI by Kuwait Airways?

If u want my personal opinion, I don't really like Kuwait Airways. But it's not bad, there are many worse airlines, but there are also better ones, and I mean with the money that Kuwait has, they can do better.

If I shot or killed someone?

I just watched the part of bowling for columbine where michael () moore got kmart to stop selling ammo. Well, I make my own ammo. If i went on a killing spree, would michael moore blame the tire shops for giving me lead, the range for giving me used br, the thrift store for selling me my dutch oven, spoon, ladle and ingot mold, my parents for giving me the turkey fryer or walmart for filling my propane tank? Or do you think he would blame me? the one responsible?

How can i buy a dress that is no longer stocked?

i bought a dress from MK1 last summer, it was fab, but have lost it, the shop doesnt sell them anymore, but i really loved the dress, is there a way i can buy it again?

What part of a MLA format citation do i put in my paper? DUE TOMOROW!!?

You write the info and then put in parentheses page number and author's last name. if there is no page number then just author's last name

Do I look like I've lost weight?

you look a little thinner... but not that much. though you don't look fat to begin with. i like the newer one 'cause you look funner. btw are they spacers in your ears or just studs. 'cause spacers are eh!

Is ayurvedic doctors tests are different from gynocologists test?

if I go for fertility treatment gynocologist examin will be ultrasound scan of womb which she enters a probe into virgina.which i hate these tests and i'm always in tense before ayurvedic doctor also do the same method of testing or its just like a general exam ?please reply me .if any one has experience with ayurvedic doctors tests highly appreciated the reply.thanks

Why is Gwendolen Fairfax never referred to as "Bracknell"?

You have it right. Lady Bracknell's actual name is Augusta Fairfax. Her husband's family name is Fairfax. His title is Lord Bracknell.

Why didn't John Stewart cover that Sessions officially took the oath of office late, in the afternoon?

My guess is there wasn't anything funny about it, like the ridiculousness of reading 5 words each of the Constitution.


me and my friend brit need something to do....dont really wanna spend money. we r in a going out kinda mood soo dont wanna stay at home or do like movies etc...HELP

I Hate the Twins, how about you?

im from wisconsin so i like the brewers and i am anti- any minnesota team. They are kind of our rivals. However, i care a hell of allot more about football then baseball, so i dont hate them as much as i hate the vikings. it would have been less heartbreaking if brett favre had went to the twins instead of the vikings.{lol, even though its a completly diffeent sport lol} he used to looks so handsome in green and gold, no guy looks good in purple.

Hi fellow seniors, what do you make of musical comebacks?

Lily i make that the industry has nothing original that brings in revenue..not just music..they have nothing in movies either, to justify raising prices they add that stupid 3D..they are even remaking the great gatsby..they will replace good performances with special effects and . ah ..always a crowd pleaser..

I need help please?...guy situation...EASY 10 POINTS!!!!?

stupid boy :-) he obviously just doesn't know what to do next! maybe he'll need you to take the lead, drop a few hints maybe? you've already told him you like him, so why not get in a conversation with him about what he's doing friday night? give him the opportunity to ask you out. and if he doesn't - why not ask him?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Make this better?

The Chevrolet Astro van rode smoothly and patiently. It stopped at every red light and stop sign you could imagine though the belt parkway was nearly empty. The van, with a full tank of gas, streched it for as long as it could. Inside the van were Fritz, Little DJ, Yay, Beemer and Dell. They remained silent as Yayo steered the van. After a few hours in New Jersey they were tired and wanted to finish their job. Dell kept his eyes focused on the merchandise. Numerous duffel bags and sling bags were packed into the back of the van containing 2000 kilos of uncut heroin and cocaine. The cocaine were packed into the duffel bags, each bag containing up to 15 kilos and the heroin was in the sling bags. Fritz shook his head still he couldn't believe they were acutally in the vicinty of $390,000,000 worth of drugs. Fritz was the smartest person in the van. He was known for his quick wit and sense of humor. Unlike all the others he graduated high school and briefly attended NYU for two years

What do these poets write about?

They write about what they see through their daylight eyes or their nightmares, they write of love and hope and despair. t

Anyone travel to Cartagena Colombia?

Cartagena used to be a cruise ship stop before the problems got worse in Colombia. Both President Clinton and George W Bush have met Colombian officials in Cartagena. Is Caragena safe for a trip? I understand the old city is one of the oldest areas in this hemisphere.

Question on Organic Chemistry....?

Okay when drawing structural formulas for Methyl Propane is it supposed to look as if it is a butane (Methyl Propane) ?

Should Jayasuriya play the India game as his final match?

Yes, that's a good idea. The Indian bowlers are not good at bowling to people sans tooth, sans eyes, sans hair etc. Please arrange for an ambulance with a battery of orthopedists and neurologists on the ground. Add one psychiatrist also, he may ask for one.

Please help now!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

what were levi strauss tragedies & triumphs? Please try to put anser in the anser. Please try not to bring me websites. If you do not put web site name you will get ten point. Please help!!!!!!

Lawyer joke?

A biker walks into a yuppie bar and shouts, “All lawyers are @ssholes!” He looks around, obviously hoping for a challenge. Finally a guy comes up to him, taps him on the shoulder, and says, “Take that back.” The biker says, “Why? Are you a lawyer?” “No, I’m an @sshole.”

What Are Some Good Surfing Songs?

Jack Johnson & Donavon Franeinreiter and they are both Ex Pro Bill-A-Bong surfers. Iz for Hawaii is also kick just youtube any of them and you will be in surfing heaven.


I have semi-wet sidewalk concrete in front of my house. My sister went out and accidentally stepped in it creating shallow footprints. My already aggravated mom was furious to the point that she left the house. How do I smooth out the concrete? I have no smoother thingy. PLEASE HELP!

Is it better to have the radioactive iodine treatment instead of surgery?

I have the option of having surgery to remove the thyroid or do the radioactive iodine treatment, looked at both sides and now Im swaying toward the sugery..I dont know..any ideas?

Is capitol hill the same as first hill?

They're right next to one another... First Hill is nicknamed "Pill Hill" because you've got Virginia Mason, Swedish, and Harborview medical centers on it, so a lot of the people who live on it are doctors or RN's who want to live as close to work as possible. The shops and restaurants on First Hill tend to close earlier because a lot of the clinics are open 9-5 and the staff leaves after that... Capitol Hill tends to be much more of a nitelife destination. Lots of bars, clubs, and restaurants that stay open pretty late, and a lot of kids from the UW or Seattle U congregate there so it's pretty hipster.

Buying my parents home lost in bankruptcy?

You can try to take out a loan but without a decent income and good credit they probably wont loan you the money. Also they will not consider income for a job you don't yet have.

The Last Round?

The only game I'm gonna focus my attention on is the Panthers - Knights game. The NRL must be able to see into the furute. How could they predict that Knights and Panthers would be battling it out for 8th spot and make them play in the last round?

Why do people base their votes on things like this?

I vote based upon individual liberty, and the area of individual liberty presently under attack is economic liberty.

Im so hurt.. i just dont know what to do? :'(?

pamper yourself..go buy yourself something new or do a wardrobe cleanup..keep busy and who knows..there may be a valid reason for why you havnt heard from your bf..moping around at home torturing yourself with sad thoughts about him aint gonna help you at all.

Could a 2007 ban on Pseudo ephedrine be the reason of the 2009 Swine Flu Scare?

In 2007 Mexico banned Pseudo ephedrine an element that combats the flu, because of pressure from the USA over Meth addicts, is it too much of a coincidence that there was a Swine Flu scare in April 2009 when maybe all medication containing pseudo ephedrine was gone?

Is it possible to replace my Intel GMA 4500 chipset with a Nvidia graphics card?

u wont have to replace your intel GMA 4500 chipset cuz its the default graphics accelerator on your intel motherboard, if u plug a graphics card in a PCI x16(express) slot and plug your monitor behind the graphics card it will automatically switch to Nvidia or any graphics card. --- GOOD LUCK ---

Why is the Winter Carnival in Quebec's mascot a snowman named Bonhomme?

Je pense que c'est ez �vident pourquoi ils ont choisi un bonhomme de NEIGE pour un carnaval d'HIVER !

Am i a bad person?

last year {06} i wasnt popular at all! then this year {07 duh} i got really popular! and its because i started wearing hollister,roxy,charolette russe,all them cute girly clothes.and i totaly become SO GIRLY! and i love it! i mean i love to shop and everything! and well i started hanging out with the popular kids as people refere to us and my "old" friends who made me feel bad bout myself are caling me a snob and a prep and stuff and its kinda making me feel like a bad person bc its kinda like i ditched them to make myself feel better.and i became besties with this one girl Mallory and we do EVERYTHING together and stuff and all my old friends are jeloous and wont stop texting me and calling me a stuck up prep and i bad person for ditching my old friends and hanging out with better people who arent on drugs and who isnt making my self esteem go down? i love the person i am now and i dont wanna change,but i dont wanna hurt no ones feeligns me please!! thanks!

A peaceful RIP decision for the sake of myself and other people?

This is way too long and confusing to answer. Somewhere in here you seem to want more votes, then again, you ask if it's okay to kill yourself?? As a 'top contributor' you know suicide is never the answer, as far as points go, you should have something else you can do with your time that will give you satisfaction.

Taskbar and explorer.exe keep disappearing and reappearing. Suggestions?

haha. Try changing your theme if that would help. Or if you modded your windows looks, that may be a reason. For viruses though, i would suggest you run a scan with malwarebytes anti-malware. The antivirus portion of it is free.

I need some help with Music Appreciation?

If you have the time to put all of that into a question at Yahoo Answers, you have the time to do your own research to find the answers. It's a good skill to have.

Where can i find the sneak previews of bruno with the national guard and the parents of the baby actors?

i saw them on tv and they were hilarious! i cant find them anywhere online though, can anybody help?

What would you like to read about???? many questions but looks longer than it is!! Answers very appreciated!?

Well before I can answer I want to let you know that whatever you decide to write, there will be a market wanting to read it so don't take offense by people leaving messages who have never wrote or attempted writing a book. I myself just finished a book and its a lot of work so at the end of it (I'm now on my second) and I wouldn't dare rule any story idea out because I know how it can expand and became something beautiful. As for your question, every story needs a conflict/ drama so a love story isnt so far fetch because in almost any story there is love in it. Right now the market is looking for great sci fi so that's something to think about. If i were you, I'd look in history and find flaws or dates missing or soemthing you like and put your own spin on things (300 is a great example and I don't mean the movie but the graphic novel by frank miller). Also there isnt much stories for YA in a boys POV so yours could stick out in the crowd of querys that literary agents and publishing companies get.

I would like to know the stats and any other details about the nearest planet to us orbiting another star?

Alpha Centauri B. Only a few light years away. But not a star capable of supporting habitable planets.

Did anybody notice in CORONATION STREET?

In Friday's episode Tracy cut her hand AFTER she hit Charlie, therefore there was no blood on the ornament. Will the police notice?

Why are people afraid to question U.S. troop behavior in Iraq and Afghanistan?

show some of these videos. even if this is happening, it is a small group and you cannot judge our troops as a whole by their actions. the violators would be persecuted for their action, but i have seen no proof of these things happening

Dreams about kissing and being with an ex?

Okay so I have a bf, let's call him Joe. Joes wonderful and my feelings for him are extremely strong. And I have an ex named bob. Bob was nice to me, but ended up being a HUGE jerk! It only lasted 2 weeks, but I fell REALLY hard. Lately i'v been dreaming of bob SO MUCH though. I'll have dreams where it replays the fight we had or I'll just have dreams with him RANDOMLY in them!! And i'v only dreampt of Joe like 2 times. Well I just had a dream that I was THINKING about kissing bob. Where in the dream I knew it was wrong because Joe is my bf, but that I wanted to do it anyway because it felt so right. And then it transpired where I was in my old 7th grade clroom (I am in high school now) and bob was in my homeroom and we were sitting by each other. And IN THE DREAM, I felt the feelings I used to feel when I liked bob. What does this mean??

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are astro turf sport pitches as good as natural gr ones or just a waste of money and expensive to maintain?

junior football club needs guidance from clubs who have installed astro pitches.yearly maintenance /carpet repair /replacement

Voyage on my boat from miami to venezuela?

Have made that trip and U are looking at along wet trip.Fuel is scarce and in the Bahamas it over $ 4.50 a gal. Parts & service are few and far between. Best think twice.The biggest problem is fuel as U can't carry enough.

How much is a family ticket to heathrow?

theres one adult and 6 children, 1 who is 16 with a 16+ oyster card. we are going to heathrow to collect our dad and both my parents have oyster cards. i tried going on the websote but it made no sense to me so can any one help me and tell me whats the best deal i can get and how much it will cost. thanks in advance

Maybe visiting South Carolina next September for a few weeks?

As a Brit, this will be my first visit to the USA. Where in South Carolina would you recommend I visit?

RE: my puppy might have parvo?

I cant leave the shop unattended. i am waiting for the manager to come and relieve me. I got him on Sunday and took him to the Vet first thing monday morning and he got his shots as well as a whole work up. ive spent over 300 bucks on this little guy. he stole me heart and he can have my money too. that is not an issue. but i could face alot more heartache if i leave this store unattended for all to rob. im not a bad person. if my pup stayed where he was on sunday he would surely be gone by now. id like to think that he had some happiness from me before he goes. i hope he makes it. i dont know what ill do if he doesnt.

What do you think of actor Heath Ledger being found dead today?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Can i wear a black dress with white embroidery and dark brown suede boots?

i don't have any black shoes, or any money to buy black shoes before christmas eve. is it acceptable to wear the boots, even though they're brown, if i'm not going to keep them on while i'm at the party?

When you refresh the Answers on after posting a question?

Does it seem like there are more questions from the same or similar catagory to your posting? Perhaps they have built in an intelligent algorithm to pick questions from that area when you refresh? Am I the only one that notices this?

What are some challenging guitar riffs?

im a guitarist looking for some more stuff to play im not looking for stuff like vai,satch,malmsteen or any of that but something still challenging like black dog,trooper,thunderstruck,muscle of love,tornado of souls any ideas

Would you rate my Morphtronic deck?

0/10 Due to the fact morphtronics suck actual score 3/10 for only having 1 celfon and using a banned card.

How do I get an ink stain off my microfiber suede couch?

I haven't had this couch very long only a few months. When I got home from church tonight I found my dog had chewed up a pen and it busted on the couch. I tried the rubbing alcohol and it worked on the small spots but where the pen actually laid and bleed out its not really working. I mean the ink keeps coming off on the towel as long as I do it but the color isn't lightening any. I've been doing this for about a hour or so. Do I just need to keep on till it comes out or can someone please help me with this?!?!? Also does anyone know if this type thing is covered in a lazy boy warranty. Wishful thinking I know but maybe?

Fellow Christians: Do you believe the Antichrist will be a literal person or a Satanic system?

Some Christians believe antichrist is not a literal person. I do. Just curious about your beliefs. Thanks.

How can I become a gold or silver coin salesman?

I will be your very first customer, I will pay spot for all the silver eagle coins you have or maple leaf coins you have

In addition to Chi Silk Infusion, should I also use a heat protectant?

A lot of people seem to think the silk infusion is, in fact, a heat protectant. It doesn't say on the bottle or website and it's not proven to be one, though. So before straightening my hair, in addition to the silk infusion, should I also spray a heat protectant? Thanks :)

Dell Dimension 2400 drivers?

I've already looked on the Dell Website til my eyes bled so I'm breaking down in dire hopes that someone has had this same issue, and judging by all of the exact same forums I know some have, and came up with a solution. All I need is a simple basic list of which drivers to download. I already know in which order to install to deter tweaks and all that but the Dell site lists 73 drivers and isn't precise as to which one to get or get them all. I finally gave up reasoning and tried to download all thinking they new would trump the old but then it asked me to download some type of Dell downloader and it didn't work so I gave it up. I've spent the last two days getting a running OS on a desktop that I wiped clean, purposely but not expecting this headache. So, in summation; I need to know all drivers, preferably current that need to be downloaded for a Dell Dimension 2400 running WinXP PRO with SP2 and as soon as I get the drivers in I'm gonna update to SP3. All advice is welcome but please no "try searching" answers or "Google it" because I've done that for so long I'm quite surprised my cranium didn't explode. I'm asking for a drivers for dummies, minus instructions and all that. A website, personal list....someone who is running XP can jot down their drivers right quick,,,,,and heck, if there is a disc with it already to go *cough cough* (a resource disc) link, that would also work just as well. I found the OS quite easily but these next few steps are.....well......very annoying. Thanks to anyone for any words!

I have a tree with oak wilt.?

If my oak tree has been dead for more than one year, is there still a problem with removing it? Do I still have to keep the wood away from my other oak trees?

I don't think I can take another day of morning sickness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

This constant nagging nausea is just wearing me out! I can't go one second without feeling sick! I actually broke down and cried last night because I'm so sick of it and everyone keeps telling me "Oh it will p...." That's lovely, but according to most people, I have another 3 or 4 weeks of this and I don't think I can take it! WHAT CAN I DO TO GET RID OF THIS FEELING?! OR AT LEAST MAKE IT BETTER? I've tried ginger flavored everything, sour everything, sea bands, even tried Tums out of desperation. Nothing effing works for me! HELP!

What if a visitor to the U.S.A. wins its lotto? Are they allowed to take the winnings to their homeland?

If a visitor from a foreign country purchases a lotto ticket while vacationing here, can they take those millions of dollars to their home country? Or are they granted some type of citizenship in order to keep the money here in the US?

Fireplace Replacement Grate?

I need a new grate for my Majestic fireplace. It's 19 years old now, and I've needed the new grate for the past 6 years. But I can't find one! Anybody got any ideas where I can get one?

Where can I get Ice-cream or L.A.M.B. clothes?

Does anyone know where I can get any clothes from Pharrell Williams clothing line Ice Cream or Gwen Stefani's clothing line L.A.M.B.?

What else degree should i get - salary wise?

A CPA isn't a degree, but a test you take. In order to obtain your CPA you need to work in public accounting firm for a couple years before you can even sit to take it. Having a CPA will increase your salary. What you should try to do is double major in accounting and finance... those right now are two highly demanded jobs.

What do you think of these quotes by bush?

Have you ever taken the time to do this exercise with any other president? I didn't think so. How about "I did not have with that woman"? Who said that?

What should i do about my friend?

I have been best friends with this girl, lets say rosie for around 3 years now. Before we were friends i despised her, she was so moody and didn't seem very nice to be around but weirdly we ended up talking on a school trip and got on well. The thing is though after all this time we did everything together, even though she was still moody always telling me what i do is wrong, like going out with the wrong person, studying too much etc.. it was her birthday a few weeks ago i threw her a surprise birthday party, made her a cake and got her a designer bag. My birthday was yesterday and she gave me a pair of socks and fake nails and didn't even say happy birthday once, she posted me the present:( is it worth sticking around cause tbh im just hurt cause im always there for her but she just doesn't seem to feel the same about being there for me... what should i do? <3

Are you walkin' tall with shoulders back, or do you slink around?

When I had bad self-esteem, I slinked around, but now that I'm feeling better than ever, I consciously and naturally walk as tall as someone who is 5'3" can with my head held HIGH!

Which system of education are you accustomed/comfortable with? British or American? Why?

I think the American school system is the best. There are major deflects in the British and Canadian school systems.

What does this phrase mean?

When someone does something wrong to you, you shouldn't do anything wrong to them in return. The phrase comes from the idea of someone slapped in the face, instead of hitting the person back you should turn your head and offer your other cheek for them to hit.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In an MLA essay how do you cite a book?

I am writing a literary yzes essay on The Chrysanthemums and need to know if i need to add it to my works cited since i quote it if so how do i do it?

How to deal with a friend who's obnoxious online?

When you are talking to her on the computer or on your phone make up excuses to avoid her. Things like "Hey I gotta go, gotta eat" or something like that. Just don't do it a lot because then she'll start noticing. When on the computer do the same just block her for a short while so to her you appear offline.

Things to do in Vegas (for a Vegas veteran?)?

O.K., this is a long shot but I'm guessing that you haven't seen the Sunset Stampede at Sam's Town Hotel and Casino. It's a fantastic water and laser show inside the hotel with shows at 2, 6, 8 and 10pm daily. Do see it when it gets dark, maybe the 8 or 10pm show. You can get a free shuttle to Sam's Town from Harrah's on the strip and other strip locations. Check out Sam's Town website for shuttle times. Definitely one of the hidden gems of Vegas and well worth the trip.

Suing for Slander against bad neighbors?

It is hard to prove and in most cases doesn't solve the problem. I have been in your situation and I do feel for you. The only solution is the one you have done. Put your house on the market and get out. Its also what I had to do for the sake of my son who was around your son's age. I am so sorry this has happened to you but please know you are not the only one and you are not alone. The neighourhood will be all the poorer in your absence but you need to think of your family. By the way, what happened when we moved out was eventually another neighbour was picked on and had to move and on and on. Some people are very destructive and I have not explanation for them. Just get out of there as soon as you can.

Would Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Brett Favre and Peyton Manning be failures if they played for the Browns?

Sorry Liberals but you are wrong with that. Just because Favre has many records doesnt mean he could turn any team into a great one. Hes old so without an O line he will get thrown around alot and possibly injured. In case you havnt noticed, this year Favre has A.P so he isnt constantly throwing the ball. Also look at his WRs, he just throws it up and they go get it. Give more credit to the ones making the circus catches not the one making the okay throw.

Microsoft dividend?

It says the dividend payable date for the 4th quarter microsoft dividend is today (September 13th), but I keep checking my account (E*Trade) and I haven't received it yet. Do they pay dividends at the latest possible time? (to earn as much interest as possible?) Thanks..

Cat's health and digestion?

No raw pork ever, no chocolate. Our cats always have dry food on hand, and get a small amount of wet at dinner and breakfast.

Which team will win the game?

wtf.. lol. i can remember answering this before.. do you need reurance about a betting acalator or something?

Anxiety- PLEASE HELP!?

i have gone through this too. its a not too bad i guess, well, disease. its callled social anxiety/depression. go to your doctor and get yourself tested they will perscibe you with meds and it should help within a few weeks. try to keep yourself happy till then

How do I cite a quote in a college application essay?

In one of the essays I'm using to apply to college I use a quote from the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. I'm not sure to what extent I should cite this quote if at all. I begin the essay with the quote and then spend the rest of the essay talking about the book. I never exactly specify in writing that the quote came from the book, but it should be obvious. Is it fine as it is, or should I use MLA format and put quotations at the end, i.e. (Rand pg#)? Should I even go so far as to cite the book at the end of the essay, which seems a bit too formal for a quick essay?

Cat with Bartonella?

5 weeks ago i adopted an amazing, beautiful little 7-12 mo, sickly boy from a shelter. he was sniffly, boogery (often bloody), labored breathing, loose stools, skinny, halatosis, gingivitis, and then some. regardless of his maladies, we fell in love (his sweetness factor is 11) and now i am nursing him back. after a useless round of clavamox, the vet opted to test for bartonella, sure enough it was positive. during the 7 days waiting for the results, the fab kitty i adopted seemed to have disappeared, he was lethargic, crabby and prefers solitude. i am now on day 13 out of 21 with zithromax. after 7 days i thought we had turned a corner, he was his sweet self again, with lots of purrs, talking and cuddling. now, the past 2 days he seems to have regressed again. has anyone else experienced a similar set of cirstances? can anyone share an experience with bartonella?

Physics work done by a spring and kinetic energy problem. Due by midnight please help!?

For part a use the equation F=kx, plug in 3.3N for F and 60 N/m for k and then solve for x to get the position of the block.

The house sparrows are overtaking my house?

So, there is a bird house on my house. And sparrows have lived there ever since we moved in, 3 years ago. But what I've noticed is that they scare off all the other birds. And sparrows are apparently non-native to the US, and they murder other bird babies. But, at the same time, they lived at my house before I did. What right do I have to try and get rid of them? Sparrows are birds too! Just because they are mean and not pretty-- is that any reason to shoo them away? What do you think?

Is the movie the combination based on a true story?

the movie the combination is about a lebanese gang in sygney and i was jst wounderin if its based on a true story or events.

Robert Frost, Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening?

How about school bells, and the call of a teacher or a student back to their clroom studies? Or an alarm clock, waking us to our daily duties? In an Every Man sort of way, his 'promises to keep' resonates with us all. We'd like to stop by that little antique store, or pull over and watch the sun set, or the horses playing in a field, and yet, a 'bell' rings - perhaps internally - to remind us that we have miles to go yet, and cannot stop.

Which Chopin Piano Concerto is better?

Also, Saint-Saens Concerto or any other good ones, but no Schumann, Grieg, Beethoven or Rachmaninoff.

Why am i not in hypnotic trance?

ok i downloaded some hypnosis sessions and.... well i am not being hypnotized in any way , i am in no trance or anything idk is it poss. i cant be hypnotised even though i reeeeaaaallllly want to

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does honey turn to sugar when you put it in hot coffee or tea?

It does not literally turn to cane sugar if that is what you mean, but honey is a carbohydrate and when it is consumed, the body will convert it into a type of sugar called glucose.

Why is a large desirable among men and women?

It is generally believed that the larger the the greater the ual experience. So men want a large because they believe that they will attract more women when news of their large circulates. Why women like men with a large ? I can only guess that they enjoy the experience.

Resevation in India...? Readers opinions are welcome !?

yes i totally agree wid u. due to this reservation system in India, a deserving candidate is not given the seat in his field. and the result is that the doctors, engineers, lawyers are all average or under average deserving candidates. If this reservation system is not lifted surely all the upper cl talent is wasted. All the western countries will improve in every aspect and our India will still be developing country.

Has anyone else had this problem?

My two month old son has started to reject his bottle after eating only two ounces. He normally eats six ounces every three or four hours, but as of three this morning, he has stopped eating after two. I'll burp him long enough to bring up a really good belch, then try to give him back his bottle. He'll sip for about five seconds, and then start wailing. When I give him his pacifier, however, he immediately quiets. Maybe he isn't feeling well? Maybe he's going through a growth spurt (but I would ume he would want to eat more)? Maybe colic? I'm open to any possible solutions other mommies can offer. Thanks!

Best clothes for my body?

So im 5'7 and im chunky, but i want to know what clothes would fit me best! Like the best shirts and pants! i have hips and and an *** so its hard to find pants that fit! like theyll be fitting fine but too short! help

Correct sentence structure?

"Recently, I attended the Great Canadian Theatre Company's performance of "Facts" and I've got to say that it was actually concordant with facts!"

When can a maintenance man answer questions about paying of rent instead of rental manager answering?

We live in NY state. We own a mobile home located in a mobile home park. We pay rent on the lot. We are a little behind, but nothing major. We had our home sold. The buyer asked the maintenance man about our payment history without our permission. The maintenance man told him we were behind $1900.!!! This amount is totally wrong. First of all, I feel the mainenance man should not have had access to these records and should have referred the buyer to the park manager. Second, this amount is way off. Third, how can the maintenance man release our personal credit/payment info without our permission. I feel that with him releasing the wrong amt, etc, it is slander. It also caused us to lose the sale. We were going to take money from the sale and catch up the lot rent. Any insight or info would be appreciated

If Sarah Palin wins along with the old man will she pop out a 6th child?

and go on maternity leave while the old man suffers from a heart attack and be stuck in the cardiac unit of the hospital..will barack and michelle come to our rescue while mccains 10th wife cindy takes all his money and runs away with a 21 yr old brad pitt look alike?

Is this too much milk for a 7 week old baby?

My little boy is 7 1/2 weeks old and weighs approx 5 kgs. today i gave him his first bottle of 3oz of expressed milk. He was still hungry after i fed him so i fed him for about another 10 mins. So i'm uming he had about 4-5oz of milk. Is this too much for a 7 week old baby?

What literary terms are described in this sentence?

The first sentence contains both a simile and a metaphor. I'm not sure about the second one, though.

My job is too physical and work load is increasing?

I am doing a job that is physical and requires me to work in very hot environment. I have been given extra duties that require me to be in a hot environment even more. I have discussed this with my supervisor and am being told that it is part of my job. When I started this job It was never disclosed to me that I would be given more physical work in this type of environment, I have asked for monetary compensation and am told that it is not available... I am 51 and a single mother of two kids that need me more. I can not do this extra physical work and raise my children. I am fearing a new job search with the way the unemployment is going..... HELP.........

Have you ever found that certain videos about the true nature of our monetary system have been removed to?

have you ever found that certain videos about the true nature of our monetary system have been removed from YouTube to prevent you and anybody else from possibly finding out?

Help, how would you solve this integral?

the integral of csc^(4) xdx , using the fact that csc^(2) x = 1+cot^(2) x. i tried splitting them up as csc^2 x times csc^2 x but i get confused from there

Is this a possible median for these scores?

I was viewing the website of a law school I may be interested in attending in the near future. The site listed the entering cl profiles for the 2008 school year. The LSAT score range was listed. Out of a possible 180, 153 was the 25th percentile, and 159 was the 75th percentile. Yet, another publication sent to me from the school listed 160 as the median score for the 2008 incoming cl. Perhaps it's been awhile since I've done basic math, but isn't the median equivalent to the 50th percentile? Therefore, how could the median be 160 and the 75th percentile be 159? It worries me that one of the following must be true: 1) I can't perform basic math, or 2) there is a typo in the information published by the law school itself. Please give me your input.

How good is an 1800 SAT score?

Its not my official score, but when I took the PSAT, it said that I would most likely score 1800 on the real SAT. I'm a Sopre, so I have time to improve still, but how good is that?

Which moccasins should I wear to a Pow-Wow in March?

if ur a guy the lower ones. idk if its a traditional na festival. u should wear dark jeans and a white on down

Atheists. How did cell mitosis evolve?

Because without cell mitosis there is no reproduction and therefore no evolution. So exactly what are the steps leading up to cell mitosis?

Rate my yugioh warrior deck!!!?

You can only have 1 ROTA, Deck is bad, it has no direction in it. Beaver warrior? Celtic WTF? Who are you Yugi? You got alot of useless crap, why the hell do you have burn anyways, blasting the ruins, how the hell are you ever gonna use that?

I like the look of the men's clic short ugg in chestnut and wondered what you thought of them?

IGNORE the RUDE "gay" comment(s). UGG boots have been UNI for nearly 200 years in AUSTRALIA and many boys including my dad,brothers,boyfriend and his friends wear the UGG clic short in chestnut with bootcut jeans over the boots and it looks really good. Plus the boots are rally warm and comfortabe and look better then those Timberland boots guys wear. If your laid back and into being comfortable and stylish your gonna appreciate UGG boots. Get a pair and if you ever decide they arent for you if they are my boyfriends or brothers size i will buy them from you.

What do you think:Women being more like men when it comes to ?

I always read or hear that women are more promiscuous/ ual than times past because they want to enjoy/do the same things that men have been doing/enjoying for decades. Why then can't it be the other way around and we encourage men to be less promiscuous/ual and be more like women in times past. I hope you understand my questions. I am trying to make a serious point and I am not like those 50s housewives who only do missionary position in the dark. (well I would not know, i am still a virgin, but I do own a vast array of toys, if you know what I mean) Happy New Year!

What advice do you have (thank you)?

depression is a PHYSICAL imbalance of neuron receptors ~just take it easy. get on medication like zoloft... you should go back to whoever administered the afore mentioned test, have them refer you. first help yourself, then you can help others ; ) 8-) Be honest with yourself and others, you have nothing to be ashamed of!

Should the United States raise the C.A.F.E. standards?

Should the U.S. raise the CAFE standard to conserve fuel and reduce air pollution, even if the results could (and probably will) result in the loss of American job and in turn have a negative impact on our country's economy?


Its my first turkey and I did not know you were supposed to that it in cold water.... I just took it out and thawed it for 12 hours....Im slow cooking it for ALONG time is it still safe? Thanksgiving is tomorow i cant get anouther one :(

Why do protestants or evangelics say they have the truth and follow the Bible?

if Jesus never wrote something or the first christian churches had a Bible.. the first christians or catholic churches can be found in asian and there images and the catholicism was the first church before protestantism in europe and USA why do you hold you follow the true church and the Bible? when there was not bible in the past all words were transmitted orally.

Why did all 5 of my zebra finches die overnight?

woke up this morning to find ALL 5 of my Zebra finches had died overnight and I have no idea why. They are kept in a cage outside (7ft x 5ft) with plenty of food and water. We have had a problem with mice and/or rats recently so this is the only thing I can think of? We have also had a some cold weather/storms (for Perth) but nothing they haven't experienced before. No smoke, etc as they are outside in the back garden, can anybody help please!?

Where can I find this large, purple purse?

I am looking for a specific purse that I have seen a couple times recently but cannot seem to find it. It is a rather large hand or totebag, mainly purple with some greens and some blues mixed in with it, and almost looked like snake or crocodile skin, but I'm not positive on that. It was also shiny, almost metaliic looking. Any help on who makes it or where I can find it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Last year I was in Washington DC to visit our capitol. MANY of the locals were obese. Do those people realiz?

Under Obamsacare, they will either be taxed out of existence, or die because they will not be treated?

Cont'd: What is the next step in this failed relationship? What should I be expecting, or not expecting?

Be angry at him, write him angry letters and burn them, etc. Do something to cope with the fact that he's a jerk. Then ignore him so as to not bring the thoughts back. It sounds like you need this jerk out of your life for GOOD.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Picking sides...who to trust?

I've basically ditched the friends I used to hang out with in elementary school because they turned out to be mean, and now I've made other friends and have had them since my first or second year of high school. One of them, Paula, has been my good friend since grade 8. She doesn't really talk to many other people, aside from our group of friends. She knew Jessie from grade 7 and said that Jessie is a big mouth, and would spread rumors about everyone else. Jessie and Rachel are good friends and have been since grade 8. Jessie is jealous of us (Paula and I) because Rachel isn't as close to her as she used to be. Then, there's Erika who is the most innocent person you'll ever meet. Jessie and Erika have become quite close over the past year and talk quite a bit. Her and I (Erika) still do quite a bit together though. She's someone know I can talk to without risk of it being spread around. Anyways, an incident happened between Jessie, Rachel and a guy. cont....

Chest pain heart related?

I would tell him you want to see a heart specialist, and if he won't send you to one, go to another doctor. There may not be anything, but you need to set your mind at ease. Stressing and worrying about it can produce the symptoms.

Geelong cats?

can somebody help me find the history of the geelong cats afl team...(australian) or a play who was born 1901 not sure when he played his name was zachariah barton spencer this is all i know would b graet thx

West Virginia University or Utah Sate University?

Im not sure what school i want to go to. i LOVE football and basketball. both have my major (environmental science) and i love to snowboard. what do you think, why?

Should I try to make it work with my ex or is it better left alone?

Last year, from the moment I saw him, I knew I could fall in love and marry him. We began dating and things were going very well. I could feel him holding back sometimes though and it would hurt. I told him I loved him and he said he just needed some time. Then, six months into our relationship, he got scared and decided that we should end it because he couldn't love me the way I loved him and I deserved better. Then after two months of heartache and being in a rebound relationship, I ran into my ex again. A week after we saw each other he became very upset and realized the mistake he made. He was persistant in pursuing me. I ended the rebound relationship but was not ready to get back together with my ex yet. It took a while for my feelings to come back. A month ago, my feelings came back full force. I am in love again, and this time, he's unsure again. He decided to end it. He's 31 and never been in love. Could he be making a mistake again? What should I do? I want to be with him.

14 days after , should i be getting positive pregnancy tests by now?

it has been 14 days today since we had , were TTC. Should i be getting a BFP by now if i was in fact pregnant? i heard that some ladies didn't get positives until they were a few weeks late, is that true? anyone experience that? or how many DPO did you get your positive. IF i ovulated like my online calendar said then i would be 10 DPO today. Should i have a BFP at 10 DPO?

Are these realistic match cards for the next few months?

I like this so much. It does seem like this is the way that they are going right now. Maybe they will decide to have title matches on Superstars and maybe a title change will take place.

What's your honest opinion on this?

That is so creative, descriptive, and WOW!! :D :D :D Honestly, I love it... it sinks down in your heart, and once you start reading, you can't stop. I love it sooo much, wow!!!

Does anyone know what she looks like?

Do you know what Emily Morris looks like, she is going out with Lucas Gabreel, and i was wondering what she looks like, I looked on google and it had a lot of different people, she's on a visa commercial

Who is your top ten divas and knockouts from TNA and Wwe?

Mine is 1.Melina 2. Mickie James 3.Trish 4.Salinas Torrie Wilson 5.Stacy Keibler 6.Angelina Love and Velvet Sky 7.Gail Kim 8.Layla and Kelly Kelly 9.Karen Angle 10.Cherry.

I love the way her hair is styled, but how do you do it?,0&op_sharpen=1&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.0,0.0,0,0&iccEmbed=0 this is the hair. who knows how to make it?

Want to get a 1-5 gallon fishtank and looking for ideal fish for it?

none in a 1-3 but a betta (male) will fit alone in a 4 above. They are the best fish to keep alone as they are beautiful and don't like other males but do well with other peaceful fish that arent too big such as neons. If you want a small tank a single betta will make a beautiful tank.

Ex boyfriend and really close friend!?

you have to move on now without them into your life. make others friends. go out with other guys. make yourself busy. i know its hard but try harder.

I need some serious mental help but am unsure of what to ask for?

Its hard for me to make friends. I talk to strangers, we might exchange info but they never follow up. A few weeks ago I met this guy, later we went on date and that ended badly. We texted back and forth for awhile I asked him out and he asked me what I wanted to do and never got back to me. The date I had before that (December) was with a professional that also ended in him not returning my message. In both cases the men contacted me 1st then changed there minds. Both rejections took my self esteem down the toilet. Not really over the men themselves but the situation. I'm at least as pretty as Kerry Washington. I haven't had a boyfriend in nearly 4 years, I haven't had in over 1.5 and when Ive tried lately to have people freak out by my forwardness. I'm 26.5 and I haven't had someone that I think is great tell me that I was beautiful in 4 years. I dont feel beautiful. I guess I am desperate because I hate this trend and I dont want to waste my best years alone. Also its hard for me to be hopeful. I have to give myself pep talks to smile and approach men and it just ends up with me crying all the time and hating myself for not being more likeable. Even when i had boyfriends they never stayed long, Ive never had a long term relationship. Its hard for me to not think I have a personality crisis when boys keep rejecting me. I worry that I am unlovable. I am curious to why when my heart gets broken it feels the same. I want help to stop longing for love, to focus more on things I can offer myself like education. I want to work on building self esteem and becoming resilient to rejections. Im not sure who I should go to for that, can you offer any suggestions (besides God) I am Christian and God doesn't care about my social life. Maybe a life coach? Thanks

What are you fond of in a short horror story? Descriptive(Poe/Lovecraft) or gory elementry(Steele/Brite)?

I would say that if you are into horror then don't get to "scholorly" with your wording. Ppl these days are not used to it..

I'm confused, does he like me too?

I have this really big crush on my best friend's older brother, he is one year older than me, I am 15 and he is 16. He always smiles, nods, says hi, or says my name when I p him in the corridor, when we're having a conversation he'll stop whatever he's doing and listen to me. He teases me, but not in a bad way. He laughs when I say stupid things and he stares at me and even when I catch him he doesn't look away. He gives me friendly hugs all the time, he sits next to me, he puts his arm round me and whispers things to me so that nobody else can hear. He just whispers normal things though. But here's the thing, sometimes he just completely ignores me, when we're having a conversation, sometimes he just gets up and leaves. It confuses me. Also, my best friend has no idea that I like him, she's guessed enough times but I always deny it. I don't know how she would react if she knew.

How do you calculate the change in kinematic viscosity based on temperature?

I need to find the change in kinematic viscosity from 10 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees Celsius. With standard atmospheric pressure. Is their an equation or some specific method I am supposed to use for this?

Gears of War 3 pendulum lancer,?

Do you need to shoot the person before you just happen to accidentally shove the end into their insides?

Bangkok, whats best and cheapest to buy there?

Copies are everywhere. You get what you pay. Remember if it is so cheap it will be a copy. Some clothes are copies but excellent quality.

Is there really a need to keep track of the consecutive rounds GSP has won?

yes it shows he takes no chances never trys to finish plays to safe and faces crap opponents... beside penn but then he had to cheat and grease for that fight...

DNA and miosis----- 10 points?

explain why mitosis is important and how the structure of the molecule allows it to replicate (make exact copies of itself)

Why wont my kitten leave my adult cat alone!?

It's simple he's a kitten he's just getting her to play. he wants the attention, not from any one but her. see little kittens are playful and your just simply wants to play. if you want him to leave her alone, get another litter box get food bowls and water bowls and stick him in a room till he is older.

Muslims, since Mohammed was the last prophet of Allah...?

what will happen when islam starts to decrease and people are dening that Allah is god? Please don't say that "islam is never going to decrease" or anything like that.

Help! Kitty with chronic diarrhea and our vet can't figure out the cause.?

Our kitty (16 weeks and a little over 3 lbs.) has had a bumpy start. After adopting him from a foster family, he was diagnosed with a URI and given Clavamox for his sneezing. He got progressively worse and a week or two later, we were told he had pneumonia and was spiking fevers and needed to be hospitalized for IV fluids and nebulizer treatments. Later that week, we were told that he was doing better, but the next day they said they suspected he had FIP and would need to be euthanized. Thankfully, we brought him home to spend a couple of days with us before they put him to sleep because he got better every day, with no fever and the only symptoms he had being diarrhea (2-3x/day) and signs of anemia (licking cement and trying to eat his clay litter.) We switched to newspaper based litter & his antibiotic was switched to Clindomycin and back to Clavamox. He was given Metronidazole for his diarreah, which only served to make it worse. Tests came back NEGATIVE for FIP, FIV, FeLV, Toxoplasmosis, and Bartonella. They said he was anemic and seemed to have liver issues/hepatitis. He is an indoor only kitty and has been treated for fleas and the vet *thinks* he was treated for heartworm and Giardia. (?) His current symptoms are the AWFUL diarrhea, trying to lick cement near the fireplace, and " dragging" like a dog with worms. His appetite and fluid intake is totally normal. The vet even had us change to a diet of canned venison or duck, suspecting a dietary intolerance, but there's no change in the diarrhea. Anyone have any suggestions as to the possible cause or treatment? Our vet bill is in the thousands and we can't afford to keep paying for what seems to be a guessing game. The only other thing suggested was a test for portosystemic liver shunt. HELP!

How do those who believe in a 6000+ year old earth explain the MUCH OLDER countable layers of polar ice cores?

Well carbon dating and radio-isotope dating methods are flawed to begin with because its based on an initial umption of something being a certain age. You need a standard to measure off of but how are you able to confirm the age of one thing by going by something else that you cant confirm whether or not the age of that item is correct?

Can you believe it???!!!?

Kris Won on American Idol! my friend is in disneyland and just saw him there and he won! lolz i wanted adam to win but oh well he's gonna become famous anyway!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Whee from i buy tester perfume?

hi can anybody advise me on how to buy original testers like the ones that people sell in shops and on ebay,ive tried searching the net but with no luck

Do you think Maurice Ravel would approve of this?

Wow. I've heard other orchestrations of this movement that I would have to say aren't probably as great as this one. Thanks for sharing - Ravel's probably my favorite composer. The orchestration is really well done, but I agree, it would have been interesting to hear the Toccata with the original instrumentation. Would he approve? I'd say so.

What do these song lyrics mean?

I suggest the point the song writer is making is that all we need is to believe in peace, love and music - nothing else, however impressive, is relevant or necessary?

Has anyone besides Malaysians heard about the Global Gathering dance music festival this October?

Recharge Revelation presents Global Gathering in A'Famosa, Melaka. I think its the biggest event ever to be held in Malaysia! Can't wait! but what I'd really like to know is that whether there are party people out there (Malaysians excluded) has heard about the event and will be coming down to party with us Malaysians =)

How do hydrochloric acids and bile salts help digest food?

hydrochloric acids (found in the stomach) helps to denature the protein due to the low pH of hydrochloric acid. When the proteins are denatures, the molecule falls apart, thus it is digested. Bile salts emulsify the food. Emulsify is the same thing as breaking it down, but scientist use the word "emulsify" specifically to refer to the breakdown by bile salts.

I dont understand what my ex meant PLZ HELp ):::::?

My ex called me to gave me the control number for some money he sent me. We're both the same age and he lives abroad.I have a child and he don't have a child yet (well i had a baby when he traveled by another man). Anyways, after we talked for a while he asked me if I was going to pick up the money by myself? Why did he say this, does she think im incapable? also, I asked how his dad is doing and he said "everyone fine" instead of "hes fine"? What mood was he in?? high? drunk?? help...don't get me wrong i appreciate wat he did but those things he said bugged me idk what state of mind he was in..also he didn't ask about my sn or any of that info

Does our senses stop us from communicating with God?

could it be that seeing so much around us with our eyes, we cant see God. Hearing, smelling, tasting, felling things physically present before us reduce our ability to communicate clearly with God?

Could someone help with these questions?

man its easy,just go online and this way you will atleast know that someone isnt telling you the wrong answers just for fun.

This quote is hilarious anyone agree?

Well, of all the causes to take up, AIDS, cancer... hunger, poverty. I've always felt there was something special about people who commit themselves to guns. Anyone I suppose could contribute to a shelter or help the needy, but it takes a true American to dedicate himself to firearms. And you know what? We need people like you. Our country's getting a bad rep just because we kill each other. Well, that's manly... shooting people. United States, this is were men live. Australia, all their stupid bragging about how tough they are in the outback. They get about... 15 gun homicides a year. What the hell is that? We get ten thousand. The Japanese are even more pathetic. In 1999 for kids between 15 and 19 they didn't have one handgun murder, not one! We had over five thousand! Our teenagers are tough, but it can't happen unless we get the guns out there into their hands and for that we need committed, good people like all of you. Look at these idiots in Washington who think it's wrong for teenagers to have ault rifles. And the stupid Democrats think we should have ten day waiting periods. What happens if you need to kill somebody today? Next thing the government will try to crack down on and we won't be able to breed future NRA members. I mean, we are talking about the toothless illiterates that makes this country great. This is America. Get a gun!

How much should I spend on an engagement gift for my Hubby To Be?

LOL it all depends on your cirstances! My fiancee bought me a car and I get to watch it being put together (along with my ring) and I'm buying his car but we're old and we both make enough money to support these things. This is not breaking our bank. If you can afford a white gold ring with "bling" go for it! You should have it engraved with something on the inside like your wedding date or your names.

Is the cast of Seinfeld going to do another episode of them getting out of jail?

like a teaser episode of them escaping and then just dropping the show again for another 10-15 years?

Im a two week dumper?

You may be young now and noticing this pattern of yours, and it's good to be aware of it now, because it's something I've been dealing with for a lot longer. It may have some deeper meaning if we psychoyzed ourselves and our relationship with our fathers or whatever, who knows, right. The deal is we have intimacy issues. And we need to get over them somehow. It's good you're talking to your friends about it, showing you are aware and want to overcome it. Next time you give a guy a chance, and when you feel the urge to run, take your time with it. Think it out. Let it p, try to deal with it. As long as it's not a REAL urgent reason to run away from him, try to work through it. Talk with him about it and that you want him to help you or to give you time to get through it. And maybe getting over that one bump will help take the fear away. Good luck! :)

Catholics and Christians is this unusual?

That sounds fine to me. I think your parents are great for doing that. All they want is that you follow the Lord. Your mom just wants to make sure that you aren't staying with the Catholic church for the form, but for the faith.

Questions or myths about Siberian Huskies....?

Siberian Huskies are great friendly dogs. i grew up with one and lived in a very hot climate/St George Ut. They need a lot of excersise and rarely bark. they do howl and are not a good watch dog. They need a lot of attention and grooming is minimal. They will shed their winter coat naturally in 2-3 weeks. Training is very possible and they are happier with other dogs and great with kids. They are considered a work dog but will make a great running/jogging companion. You can also learn hand signals to train them which does work.


had just finished my first cycle of the birth control pill.. I had on day 5 of my pill free week. and got my period the very next day.. I was a bit paranoid as had only bn on the pill for a month so i took the morning after pill 26 hours after .. what do you think chances of pregnancy are.. im freaking out.. This all happened on Dec 10th and i started my new pill pack on Dec 12th..

I want to start a LLC business, Please help with the steps I need to take and where to get forms?

I live in Michigan and Im wanting to start a LLC but I cannot find the forms I need. My understanding is I need to fill out a Articles of Organization this it? or is there more? I went to my states website but i cannot find what I need. Also is the process/forms easy enough to do myself or should i have it done by someone else. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Should I accept this trade?

I trade Chris Bosh and Larry Hughes and i get Jermaine O'Neal and Al Jefferson so should I make this trade?

Who is your favorite harry potter character?

Hagrid,Luna Lovegood,Ginny,Hermy(according to grawp),Harry,Won Won(according to Lavender Brown),Sirius!

New Beta email upgrade problem?

probably has a lot to do with the word explination. by the way the new mail beta sucks! its just like gmail with is shitty and frustrating

HELLP!!!!!! please?

ok see i REALLY like this guy maybe even loved, i have for lets just say about 3 years, and well i started liking him in 7th grade ,but my so called friend told him i liked him at end of 7th grade. i never found out what he thought or anything but that guy and me were friends in 8th, and now were in 9th ,and he like hates me he blocked me on 2 of my aim sn's, and it drives me crazy i cant stop thinking of him. i even have 46 pictures of him on my computer I'm obssed. i want to know y he hates me or if he even does it might be something else but i think he use to like me before cuz he was SOOOOO NICE TO ME. i was gonna say something at end of 8th grade to him but could not cuz i was afride of what my so called friend said before. i want to talk to him but cant and I'm gonna be seeing him for the next 3 years of high school so its gonna be hard to get over him if i ever do, so idk what to do oh he is 15 and I'm 14 but its only like a month apart his birthday in early June mine late July

Volume/pressure problem?

An "empty" gasoline can with dimensions 11.6 cm by 37.3 cm by 14.9 cm is attached to a vacuum pump and evacuated. If the atmospheric pressure is 14.7 lb/in2, what is the total force (in pounds) on the outside of the can?

Oh, crap...How much will this little incident raise my car insurance?

Not too long ago, my friend skidded on a turn & took out the left-tailight area of my car. The light bulb was still working so my parents said I could go ahead & drive to school the next day; things were fine for days. But last night after the movies we were headed to one friend's house. But before we went there, she had to pick up her brother & his friends at some playground they were hanging out at. Her 5-person car was filled & so her brother & one friend needed to ride with me. I don't have my 6-months up (for being able to drive others beside family; I know, bad) but since the hangout was so close to her house, I said go ahead, jump in & we'll go home. So we head up a hill from that spot & at the very first turn, I see those nasty red & blue lights & pulled over. The cop said he pulled me over for having a tailight out (not true by the way--the whole bulb thing) & then he charged me with a nasty ticket, $532 of it for not having my insurance card with me. Which after the whole...

Question on Indiana Jones and the Skull **SLIGHT SPOILER** why send the kid?

i agree....i thought that part was poorly constructed. the whole time i was sitting there thinking, okay...if they can kidnap him in mexico and take him to area 51, why can't they just raid his office at the good ol' university?! silliness. anyway, i didn't think it ruined the movie or anything.....they had to shove shia lebeouf in there somewhere. i liked his character though...he was entertaining.


so i'm obsessed with supernatural and i have the first season on dvd, but i haven't been able to watch the new season since they changed the channel to the CW, cause i don't have cable. does anyone who doesn't have cable get it? if so, what channel is it on?

Maps created?

Long before space exploration, exactly how was cartographers able to almost create maps identical to how we use them today, from the time of monarchy?

How do you post this on your myspace to get the design? This was made from the grahamphisher generator...?

Im uming you have 2.0 this code is not in CSS format only in HTML and myspace 2.0 doesn't support HTML 1.0 layouts. sorry.

Need some advisement Please, i really need help with this !!?

The content is good but the sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation need a lot of work. For example, last paragraph, first sentence should be at least 3 sentences. ...dreams. My inspiration...within. As I turn... To give all of your errors, I would almost have to rewrite the whole thing. My advice is to take it to someone in person to go over it. The other option is to take some more English coursework and improve your writing skills. If you do well, it could also bring up your GPA. I can tell from the content that you are very optimistic and eager.

How to find the cheapest flight when your schedule is totally open?

I am currently in South America and i am open to taking bus or flying from Peru to Colombia but i was curious if anyone knows of a way or website that allows you to say. "Give me the cheapest flight in April from Lima to Bogota." For example. I have seen some online website say "my dates are flexible" but if it is for international flights the option is disabled. Any ideas? Thanks

What skate trick should i learn next?

try to nollie pressure flip i sounds hard but its easy practice your kickflips and try varial kickflips they are easier than kickflips happy skatin email me at if u have any questions

Is Malay the language for Malaysia?

And whats the language for Srilanka, Taiwan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and afganistan? sorry if i spelled any wrong. i know its alot but if u do 10 points best anser!

HELLP!!! MY mouse and the vet, pleaseee!?

The vet will do a physical exam, will listen to her lungs, weigh her, and most likely will prescribe an antibiotic tail. The antibiotics are not expensive and should clear up what sounds like an upper respiratory infection. That price is very reasonable, but did you check to be sure this vet is experienced treating exotics? If the vet does not know how to dose the meds for an animal her size, insist that he or she look it up. Mice can be treated for infection. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Hydraulics problem?

I'm with Bernie. I just don't get it so I think I'll just ask a bunch of questions and complain about it instead. Can I have a tissue, please?

Can I sue the co-signer of my car for financial contr. if he refuses to sign nec doents to register it?

In 2008 I needed to buy a car for college and work, at 19 I was unable to get approved solely based on my income and limited credit so my boyfriend co-signed. Now we are seperated and he lives in TX (where we bought car) and I live in OH. The car is currently not registered because, according to the state of OH both signers need to be present to transfer the title and register. The other signer refuses to sign a temp POA form issued by the OH DMV (so that he doesnt have to be present). The cosigner also of course will not come in person. I have already had to pay a $300 ticket for the vehicle being unregistered because I need it to get to work, and I have made every payment towards the car(eliminating 1/2 the loan debt). I cannot get the car refi'd because of my debt to income,despite my 730 FICO. Can small claims court make my ex sign the nec forms to register the vehicle or can I sue him for all my past financial contributions if he refuses to cooperate with me in making the vehicle legal? Even if I drove across country and paid all the fees to reregister the expired car in TX, this would still not help me in the fact that it would not be registerd in the state that I reside and work in, and I make all the payments. I know the obvious solution would be to just let the car get repossessed but I cant take that on my credit and really need reliable transportation to and from work. Can anyone let me know if I have enough legal standing to bring this to court or is the contract with the dealer and financer going to leave me helpless?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Culturally Speaking:When you see a Hispanic?

Do you see them as a Race or do you see them as a group of diffent races and ethnic groups? I know Hispanic is not a race but I still look at them as a race.When I see someone who is Hispanic I don't say "he is a probaly a white, Indian or Black Hispanic I still look at that person as just being Hispanic. Like for example my neighborhood is pretty diverse with whites, blacks, hispanics, Viets, Laotions and Cambodians and when I see someone who looks Hispanic I still see that person as a diffrent race then I am even if that person might be white like I am.And futhermore I have never heard a hispanic person ever say "I"m a white or black Hispanic.Most them just say they are Mexican, Hispanic, Latino , Chicano or something like that. Just like I never hear Arabs ever say that they are Caucasian.Sorry for rambling and the typos I am a little drunk.

Iwant to delete pics of strangers on my facebook.How do I do this?

Remove the tag if he has tagged you in his any picture.If you have uploaded that picture yourself then you can delete it.Finally remove him from your friend list if above doesn't works.

Christians....Why did God create Charles Darwin when he knew that Darwin would influence billions?

the point is that originally Darwin was training to become a preist, with a penchant for natural history. he then was given the opportunity to travel on the HMS Beagle, and it was that point that Darwin turned his back on the church, and become one of the most influential scientists who ever lived

How do you join the MCRmy? ?

I've been a mcr fan 4ever, and am part of the blackparade from there website but am cunfused on the MCRmy. Can someone plez tell me how to join?

Are hot flashes supposed to be felt when you're pregnant?

my mom keeps teasing me because at least every hour or so i keep saying "I'm Hot", she says that it's payback for laughing at her when she went through menopause, which is funny, but I'm worried a little. Do pregnant women get hot spells?

Best non- book on disciplining kids? Was beaten as a kid, determined not to p it down...?

Have you ever seen the show "Nanny 911". I think that is an excellent resource for discipline and raising children of all ages. Although the kids on those shows are usually out of hand to start out, your child dosent need to be in order to learn their excellent methods and techniques.

What makes a two party sytem better then multi party sytem?

And please also help me start my speech for debate please please. The proposition is multi party system be replaced with 2 party system. Affirmative side. Please help guys. I hella need it. Super busy with school works already :|

Help some guy says hes going to report me and says i will get banned for ever?

Ok so i was playing black ops on ps3 online and some guy said that lakers suck.(i have the lakers sign as my player card emblem) so i said no they dont and he just started talking about how mavericks eliminated them. So i left him alone. He got on the opposate team and i killed him around 7 times. He said he was reporting me for cheating because i kept on killing him amd for offensive emblem because he doesnt like lakers. Can i get banned from this?

Why can't some people seem to understand that not everyone is a "Twitard" or "Twihard"?

I definitely agree. This generation is brainwashed to immediately think of Twilight when mentioning 'vampire'. There were vampires BEFORE Twilight!

What would've happened if the Rockets had Steve Francis and Tracy McGrady playing with each other?

Im talking about a healthy Steve Francis. Would they had a Big Three with Yao included? Mobley would've been a good Sixth Man too.

My blood smells like ozone and tastes like iron?

tastes like iron is normal. can't say the other thing, you feel ok in 2 hours (maybe a headache) then you should be fine. if you feel worse, go to the doctor. you were electrocuted. go look that up on google.

Need help from other separated parents!?

I know being a separated parent isn't easy, and I know there are differences in parenting styled from each parent, but there are theings I've tried talking to my two year old sons dad about and its alomst like he doesn't care. A few examples are when he comes back to my home, he throws major tamptrumns over food, when I tell him " no" to things he knows at my house he doesn't mess with like the TV and such, he throws a fit and attempts hitting me. I know it isn't all my sons fault, but I keep my ground with my son to reenforce his good behavior at my home. Whenever I try talking to his father, or ask him about such behavior I get the same response EVERY time "he doesn't act like that at my house". I'm not stupid, it takes me about a day to get my son back into a good routine, such as naps, eating, and his behavior, then he's fine all week till he goes back to his fathers. I know he doesn't behave perfectly at his dads house. But now I'm hearing the same responses with other things, and they regaurd my sons health. For instance, three weeks ago, I got my son home and immediately took him to the ER b/c he had a temp of 105.9 and when I ask his father how long he had a fever, it was "he didn't have one when I had him" I know that a fever doesn't come on in a twenty minute car ride unnoticed. It turned out my son had bacterial pneumonia, from his dads filthy animals. This past weekend he came home with pick eye, again completely fine at his dad. I guess what I'm trying to ask, is there anyway I should bring these issues up with my sons father? Or do you have any other advice for me? I'm hanging in there but becoming half tempted to keep my son from going to his fathers on the weekend.

Does anyone know whats Cincinnati Bell's number for Dayton, Ohio?

My mom got a brochure in the mail telling her that she can have internet, phone, and cable for a small amount of money. She called the number on the brochure to get internet and the phone because that's the only thing she could afford so far, she accidentally threw away the brochure and she finally had the extra money to get the cable but now she doesn't know the number. I tried looking on the internet for it, but it didn't help. I also tried looking for the commercial on tv but couldn't find either. So, can someone give me the number so my mom can get our cable. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! We need it before February 17, 2009.

My son is having a Star Wars party for his 8th bd. Does anyone know of a printable Jedi Knight certificate? ?

We're having a party with 10 other kids his age. I plan on having some Star Wars Jedi type activities for them during the party. I was hoping to find a certificate of some sort about graduating to Jedi Knight. The only one I've found is from a monastery which I believe is supposed to be real. Go figure. Anyway, I'm looking for something that is definitely Star Wars related. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Do you believe you need intellect, heart, and spirit to function properly? do aithiests have spirit?

You'd need to define each of those properly and then relate them to human functionality in order for me to answer the question you asked.

Sims 3- baby takes 3 days?

i woo hoo with my husband and ive done some research and i found out that it takes 3 days to go into labor.. is that 3 real days?? or just days in the game

My 96 bronco check engine light turn on out of nowhere but with no further complications.. what can it be?

well i was driving to walmart, and I got there and stop, when to do my shoppings and all was fine. I came back and start the vehicle and the check engine light turn on. Is sunday night so all "check engines" places are close. The car drove back home fine with no problems at all. Got home disconnect the battery and connect it back and the light is still there but everything seems fine.. Please help me because since I cant take it to check it out is killing me.... please help

Is it ok to put a roast in the oven if its not completely thawed ?

i need a quick answer if it would matter if i put a roast in the oven if its not completely thawed ? please advice highly appreciated

Please Help Me With These thoughts...Plz Plz Plz?

It appears that you have saturated your mind with fearful and negative thoughts that are spinning your brain and driving u crazy. Am I RIGHT? Read some good books like the POWER of your sub conscious brain by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Involve yourself in some suitable aerobic exercise that will instill confidence in you. Take deeep breaths that will tranquillize your feelings . Good luck,

Propane and Gas Blowback Airsoft Guns?

I've read around that you can use propane instead of regular silicone gas, the former being significantly cheaper. Is there any cons with using propane instead of standard gas?

Please watch my fight?

this was my first kickboxing fight and iv not been doing it very long. please let me know what you think. im in the white vest.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Short Question: Does he like me?

he tottaly likes doubt about it ... if the boy tickles u ....yea its a sighn.... and shut the **** up bryan ....hater lol

Is being a rapist hereditary?

If someone got d and gave birth to the rapist's child, what would be the chances that the child would turn out to be a rapist as well?

Father in law living in guest room in back of house?

I caught him masturbating this morning.He didnt see me so I threw a pebble against window and he got all scared and pulled up his pants like nothing happened. He knows thats not allowed.Does my husband have to talk to him?

How 2 get a tired 6 month 2 sleep?

My 6 month old is rubbing her eyes and crying but, she won't sleep. I'm holding her, singing 2 her. she doesn't want her bottle or pacifier. any suggestions?

Do You Think Howard Stern Should Replace Simon On "American Idol"?

He probably should replace Ellen Degenerate instead of Simon. Cowell should be replaced by a record producer.

Weird email....what should I do?

ok i'm not reading that whole email. but if you feel comfortable with going through with the delivery of this money to whatever charity, then go ahead. but do NOT give out any of your personal information. if u have to have a bank account to go through with this, then get a new one, and keep 20 bucks in it. dont use your personal one that has all your money, it could be a scam.

Mostly GIRLS.. What type of causal show do you ware?

Besides now being summer im sure most people are waring saddles or flip flops, but soon summer will be over an i usually ware clogs like ugg slippers but i want something new cant think of anything or where to shop?????

Sephoras return policy on opened makeup?

its open, i cant find my receipt....anyone know if theyll give me store credit or something? i really hate this makeup.

What helps get rid of cellulite ?

i got bad cellulite on my n back of thighs but the funny thing is im 47 kgs and im only 19 & i used to go the gym all the time last year & that didnt help one bit (i used to do squats, lunges and used to use the machines n stuff also as doing cardio). idk what to do :(

My best friend is pregnant! SHE'S ONLY IN 8TH GRADE! someone help!!?

okay so i have this friend. she is 14 in 8th grade. now she was sleeping with this boy and they had totally forgot about using a rubber. so they were stupid and had unprotected . now she has no one to help her. she cannot tell her parents yet because they are abusive, and who knows what theyll do when she tells them. and her auntie was gonna help her get an abortion, but now she changed her mind. now the messed up part is that the baby's daddy, is my brother. and we cannot tell our mom. well we might have to though. so i am stuk and i dont know how to help. oh and i forgot to add in that right before my friend told my brother that she was pregnant, he dumped her. EVEN BETTER! oh...this sux, im stuk and need some advise as a friend. please and thanks.

Quite long story... but please read? Friend making suggestive comments...?

Well.. Maybe she does like him but wont tell anyone and when he flirts with you it makes her jealous and making rude comments is the only way she knows to cope with it..

Has anybody seen bruno in the uk, under 18?

just wanna see whether it is possible to get in under 18 and see bruno, because im going in at weekend to see it, but im 16, (17 in few days) and i don't wanna suddenly get asked for i.d or something

Non-believers, did you allow your children the option to "BELIEVE" as they wished?

I'm referring to "Christian or other vs non-believing!" My wife and I decided at some point in our children's lives that we wanted them to have the option to "choose" their own belief or religious affiliation. They did eventually however, choose Christianity and they are happy that they did. I was wondering if those non-Christians out here have allowed their children( for those who have families) the same option, realizing that most children form their own opinions on "religion" and "beliefs" in life as they mature and take on their own life's responsibilities. I know it will be very difficult for some, but I'd like some really sincere comments in this area. We don't need to hear, "Why god doesn't exist" at this point in life as we all know it's evident that God determined that HE wants man to believe without seeing HIM and this is the true test of man!

BB- Saffia-Gate: Am I the ONLY one that thinks that SAFFIA made a RIGHT FOOL of herself....?

Why she should be interested in a bloke when she hasn't long had a baby is beyond me Doc! Most women wouldn't..........!!

Ok so one of my friends wants to ask me out!!!?

OK so I heard from one of my friends that one of our friends wants to ask me to banquet (I go to a Christian school and they don't really aprove of dances so this is like our prom). I'm really excited but he is one of my close friends and I don't want to wreck andything. Oh and I should mention that I'm a freshman and he's a senior!!!! I mean I think I'd say yes because it would be awesome and I wouldn't get to go unless I get asked by someone older but I just don't want it to be awkward. I mean we occionally flirt but it's just harmless fun, I think... Any body got any advice???? Oh and do you think he would be meaning it as a boyfriend girlfriend thing or as just friends??


Ok, so I have a pair of UGG boots, now i know there made out of sheepskin AND leather. I'm a HUGE animal welfare activists. and fur is one of my biggest issues. I LOVE the boots, there comforatable, and warm, and are good in the winter. BUT, everytime I put them on or think about them, I feel bad, i really want the boots, but i feel like im just like any other fur wearers. I DON'T want them, but I do too. Please, I don't need you to make me feel any worse, it's terrible! I'm a vegetarian, so I think "Well, the animals I save by not eating meat, make up for the animals I killed for the boots" I know that sounds bad. AHH! I'm have a very rough time. Please state your opinion.

Americans do you think your is president really fighting terrorism, if yes.......?

Why has it taken him 6 years to capture Osama Bin Laden with no serious progress so far, we all know that man is really wanted. Bush should tell the world the truth or else he will die like Saddam. We all know the ysis Moore brought out in his doentary. Do you think your president is really fighting terrorism?

How do I get this boy to leave me alone!?

There's this boy who likes me..... and well i don't like him at all. We have a cl together (science) I don't like him even as a friend because he picks on a lot of people for NO reason....... and well i'm only 11 and he ask me out about a week ago and i said no. Then after that like 4 days after he kept giving me weird looks like curious looks and it kinda freaks me out! Later, then in science cl when i got up to sharpen my pencil he was looking at my and i felt uncomfortable. My friend said he was glancing at me every 5 seconds........... How do i get him to just give me some space??!!

What is Leona Lewis' new song?

I heard she did one for comic relief called footprints in the sand, but I heard a song on the radio today and it's a high song and they said it was new, what song is it?

Betta splendens in new tank.?

hi i have had a male betta for 3 weeks now, he has been in a 12 litre tank, and yesterday i bought a 150 litre tank that i am going to put him in with some tetra's, some ghost shrimp and maybe some mollies( i havent made my mind up yet). i was wondering if i could put 3 female betta's with him? and also because he has been alone will he get scared/threatened by them? thanks.

Isopropyl Alcohol leaving a precipitate?

Okay, for my act I burn 91% alcohol in my hands (please no comments on safety, I take all necessary precautions). Now the question is, I've noticed a white solid left on my hands once the alcohol has been completely combusted, is this a product of the combination, or possibly just something from the environment?

DO you hate it to, what they say?

I agree with u and all but....isnt that what this is all about? I mean, who else would waste time on here if they didnt want the world to know what they thought? Maybe u should go spread your message in the real world where the leaders r.

Dumb question but is there anything I can do to grow taller?

Well this may sound weird but sleep and tons of it does help the growth of the body. Plus wait around awhile your bound to hit a growth spurt.

Can you please tell me what are these department represent of their organizations?

Yes. Take every department name above, stick it in an Internet search, find the organization and write it down on your homework paper.

Where can i watch futurama?

On a motorola blur running the android op sys perhaps an app I can buy. The phone doest support flash and some other video formats

Whats this bump on my shoulder?

Its red and medium sized. It won't pop and it keeps disappearing and reappearing... What is this its really freaking me out...

How do i send and do weapon and armor designs to AQW?

I want to know how do i send designs of weapons and armors to Adventure Quest Worlds moderators? Also, i want to know how to do them: Pencil, pen or in computer (flash, paint)? Id' really like to send some of my ideas. Oh! I and wanted to know: u get for free ur own designs?

In Plymouth MI, are there any dine-in/take-out LATE NIGHT eats (after 1am, Saturday nt.)?

you can try the coney island at main and ann arbor road. they are open 24 hours. Also there is the coney on main st. down by lilley road.(or mill st.) They are a great late night spot to eat. Other than coney's though you are pretty much stuck with Denny's.

Harry Potter question?

My question is: did everyone in the Order of the Phoenix know that Sirius Black was innocent when he was sent to Azkaban for supposedly helping Voldemort kill the Potters? I know that Lupin knew, but what about Dumbledore and Snape? Because in the book Snape wanted to kill Black in the Shreiking Shack and Harry attacked Snape to prevent him from doing so. And Dumbledore was also so protective of Harry and the others to prevent them from being attacked by Sirius. Does this mean that Snape and Dumbledore don't know that Sirius is innocent? But aren't they all in the Order? Please Help!

Super sweaty hands? Help?!?

I can shake hands, hold hands, high five, put my hand on a table, write without the paper getting soggy... It's terrible. Both of my hands sweat like crazy 24/7. Even in cold weather. IM BEGGING YOU! help! I think it's called palmer hydrosis! But I don't know. It's so gross, & peole think I'm nervous. Please, 10 points. PLEASE! HELP ME IT'S HORRIBLE!!

Plz rate my fantasyfootball team?

you have a great team, but try and get a guy like kitna instead of cutler and trade for better wrs and you will be unstoppable

Moms: What would you like as a gift from your kids?

I love anything homemade. Its so special to know that someones put effort into what there giving you. :)

Could you for see a future where countries will be fighting amongst each other for Lunar and Space colonies...?

... much like European powers fought amongst each other for colonies in the Americas when the Western Hemisphere was first discovered?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just out of curiousity if/how long until i see results?

So im 12. Weigh 102 which according to my height is the 62% for my bmi or whatever. I just joined cross country and ive been doing it about a week. we never run less than 2 miles. Im also a competitive dancer. bout 7 hours a week. so my question is well since i use to dance only 3 hours a week and not do so much running and ive also stopped eating junk food COMPLETELY do u think i culd possibly loose weight? just out of curiousity like i said but ya...

How do I fix this???????

My friend is mad because I seldom talk to her anymore. I don't talk to her that much because when I try, she will get up and walk off while I'm in the middle of saying something or if someone else comes over, I cut off. So, I decided that I'm not going to waist my time plus, she never remember our conversations so if I try and continue one that was cut short, she doesn't remember. The only problem, our mutual friends are taking her side and say I'm the bad guy. How do I salvage my friendship with my other friends and make them realize that I have done nothing wrong?

Physics help needed please?

A 7.0-g bullet is fired into a 1.5-kg ballistic pendulum. The bullet emerges from the block with a speed of 200 m/s, and the block rises to a maximum height of 11.6 cm. Find the initial speed of the bullet.

Help...My feet are killing me...Can you recommend a shoe?

I am 38 and waitin tables again after a long absence from physical labor...My feet are killing me. I am walking on concrete 6 - 10 hrs. a day. I have visited the Dr. Scholls foot machine, but am wary of spending $50 on inserts. I need a black, non-slip shoe, and would love those that help you to tighten up your rear-end as you walk...

You guys please help me!!...i wanna loose weight! and im desperate!?

i tried many diets, excersize.. yet.. im not loosing weight!.. i think im gona be bulimic if nothing helps!.. i need help!..atleast 6 kgs!!.. please tell me what to do....what to quit?.. what to eat?.. please ..

Why is it only some missing kids get media attention?

When this story was first published it was not headline news but for some unknown reason the British public took it up.As a result the press, realising that this story would sell more papers , gave it more and more coverage. Later this was fuelled by the donation from Sir Richard Branson, news that the McCanns mortgage was paid from the fund, speculation that Maddie and the twins were drugged, speculation that the parents murdered her, stories about the other suspect Robert Murat and rumours that his German girlfriend lied to the police and conflicting statements from the tapas 9. All these were big stories for the press all of whom pounced on them to increase their sales. Yes you are right doing all this and neglecting all other missing children was wrong.It was only when the McCann story went "cold" that the press picked up on Shannon hoping it would be yet another bonanza for them which it was but for a much shorter time.

My sugar gliders do not like the pouch they love to be on me but i am afraid they will run off from me?

hi my name is mel in mid november my husband and i decided to add to our animal family and decided after some research that we wanted a pair of unrelated sugar gliders male and husbands baby hov is very shy but is loving unfortunately my husband has started working real late so i have filled in and now he loves me. my lil girls name is rhyah very outgoing not shy at all.they use to love the puoch but recently have gotten irritated with it and now they dont want to go in it they would rather climb on me which i dont mind i just dont one to get a wild hare and run away from me granted we are always in the house but i have a fear i wouldnt be able to catch them. i truely love them so much i just need a lil advice? thanks mel

Do you think i could be good at mma?

I just started taking mma cles and i love it and after my first lesson which was bjj my coach said that i am a natural. I do kickboxing and judo aswell, do you think that i could be a good mma fighter?

Would crisis run maxed out on my pc?

Your GPU is not gud enough to run crysis at full speed at max setting. you can play it on medium settings at 45fps

How do companys make money?

Let's use a grocer for example. Say he buys a case of 12 cans of corn for $3.00. He then turns and sells each can for 35 cents each,thus making a 10 cent profit on each can. Because each can was sold to him at 25 cents.

How can I fix a Missing or corrupt c:\windows\system32\drivers\nt… without the setup disc?

No. But if you figure it out email me. I have the same problem. The file that was corrupted is the one that has the path from the operating system to the hard drive in it. It can't find the operating system until the file is repaire or replaced.

Final Fantasy question..........?

is final fantasy 7-advent children movie and the final fantasy 7-advent children complete movie the same thing or a different one?


Wikipedia has a great deal of information for you. I suspect your textbook has much of the same. Here is a link to the main article about the Revolutionary War. Follow the links to your keywords as needed. Best wishes!

What does 'co-signer' mean for credit card?

That means Mom or Dad will agree to make the payments if you can't or won't, so they will sign with you

Best friend advice needed badly help if possible?

we've been friends for years had ups downs fallouts coz i took her for granted the other was our biggest because i said something stupid i knew i was wrong we made up im gay and shes my best friend i love her dearly not in a way shes the closest thing i have to a girl soul mate recently shes been saying that i act differently around our friends and ive tried to fix it ive not seen them in 3 weeks since summer started ive only seen her we have 14 "our songs" i did a countdown the last 2 weeks coz i thought it would be special to her and got the most special birthday gift i could think of at �50 we were texting having a laugh like normal then i tell her the guy ive been seeing is now my boyfriend then she goes all quiet on my the next day i text her but was quiet again i ask whats wrong she says shes tired of the way i act around our other friends and is done with me i honestly cant live without her i want to know hw to have her in my life again and hw to fix what i did wrong help??

*Should I ask him fist to be my bf??? Please helP!?

you need to talk to him about it tell him how you feel thats all you can do...for all you know he might be scared shitless to ask you out

Can u tell me why is my ex bf still avoiding me?

weve broken up for 1 year now and he still avoids me.hes the one whobroke up with me.i saw him the other day and he refused to hug me.and now im tryna call him but hes not picking up.why dont he even want me as friend?

I'm a 16 y/o girl and I just found out I'm pregnant. What should I do?

whatever ou do dont get an abortion. DO NOT KILL A BABY!!! and did u go to the doctors? or took a test. 1st go to the doctors. make sure anither family member takes u and ask the doctor. and if u r u just have to tell your parents and say that ur sorry and everything. JUST DONT GET AN ABORTION. WUT IF U WERE THAT CHILD AND U WUDNT GET A CHANCE IN LIFE.

How would you describe nacho and salsa.?

I have to write a page about why nachos is my favorite meal and why. QU is how would u personally describe them?

Sorority Pledge Questions?

I am making pamphlets to give to potential pledges for my sorority and i want to be sure to answer as many questions as possible so people feel like they get a good idea of what were about before they decide to pledge. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas of what to say or if you were thinking of pledging what kind of questions you might want to ask. Please nothing ual partaining to hazing or whatever. Thanks! Ill choose best answer with the highest points

Wat is the duration of the CA(Charted Accountant)?

It would be a good idea to pursue it along side B.Com. Based on the new curriculum, CA will take around 3.5 years to complete. If you are really interested in commerce then you should not be worried about the percentage. There is no hard and fast rule that high scorers should only go for courses like medicine and engineering. If you have an interest in going towards commerce and accounting then its a good stream to go into. With regard to keeping Math as an optional subject, if you are good at it, then sure you can. CA is one of the few professional courses which opens up avenues for both private practice as well as a corporate career. With good marks and good percentages you can definitely do well in the course.


Divide 1.6 by the Mr of SrCrO4 and multiply it my 10 to get its molarity, and see whether this is greater of less than the square root of the Ksp value. If it's greater, you will get a precipitate.

Cannot watch my grandson any longer :(?

I'm a 50 YO mother of a 29YO son, 25YO son and a 4YO little girl (adopted 2 years ago). I'm also the grandmother of a 4YO girl & 7MO boy, both from the marriage of my 29YO son. I've watched my granddaughter while the kids work since she was 2MO and loved every second of it. At the time she was the only child in the house. I'm now watching my grandson as well. Both the 4YO girls do go to school (when school is in, anyway - I did tell them before they had the baby I could not watch 3 - School holiday's were never mentioned ...Ugh). My daughter goes 1/2 days, granddaughter full days. My granddaughter arrives about 3PM and her mom picks the kids up around 5PM. I've recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees. I just can't watch my grandson any longer. It's so hard for me to carry him up and down the stairs. I've tried putting him to sleep downstairs but he won't go to sleep down here. Plus, my husband works from home and his crying disturbs him. He's a lovely boy but screams instead of cries and can be very hard work. I have to tell my kids I can no longer take care of them. I feel like a failure. How do I tell them? Thanks for any advice. Lori in Florida P.S. - they do pay me $300 a month to watch the kids.

Why doesn't Yahoo! Answers have a mutual adding system?

This is an excellent question and I seem to be also a victim of this kind of slandering which unfortunately the Yahoo team chose to act on. The really annoying aspect is that after I provided them with a perfectly accurate explanation of why my answer should be allowed they just leave me hanging in the air with no response. I think we should press for a mutual adding system as a matter of priority. I agree also that such issues are not evident on other sites.

How come many social conservatives in this country are seemingly against science?

I don't disagree with your factual statements. This applies more to religion than politics to a large degree. But to bring some opposing thought to your point, family science is a bit of an orphan to the liberal political establishment as it relates to human behavior and social political policy.

Randy Orton Question (WQ) inside

it would be good because it would be a complete shocker but i fear its real i hope he gets better soon if it is

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Philly Eagles- Who will Lito Sheppard be Traded to and for Who?

I heard there was a possibility he may be traded for Larry Fitzgerald, because Arizona needs secondary help and Larry wants out. What Lito Sheppard trade rumors have you heard?

Should i trade ricky williams, felix jones, and marvin harrison for jamarcuss russel and thomas jones?

No, I think Felix Jones has great upside and will progress with the season and Harrison is going to get some numbers. Russell still has not showed that he can be consistent.

Specifically- what are the 23 scriptures considered to be Messianic?

no opinions~just scripture references and if possible add the name the Rabbi who deemed it Messianic.

Do you think Bruno is the right man to play the legendary Freddie Mercury in a new film?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I want her to like me or i want to die?

With a confidence as low as that dont expect to get any women. If you dont know what to say or do, you wont get anywhere.

Sudafed pe and ibuprofen OR dayquil and nyquil?

I have a stuffed, runny nose, head cold, im congested, really sore throat, a cough, phlegm, i can't taste my food, and now a headache. I have had all of this for three days now, getting worse.

People who have had swine flu?

We have been ill for a week now with what I believe to be swine flu, we have had chills, high fevers, severe sore throats, tiredness, my daughter has vomited, we have lots of mucus and now we have stomach aches. We saw a doctor as we thought it was tonsilitis when the sore throat flared during flu.. which I thought was just seasonal flu, however after seeing the doctor he gave us antibiotics and told us to call back if symptoms got worse, we no longer test for swineflu in our country as too many people were getting it. one day I just laid in bed swetting and the day before that my fever was so high I was really confused about where i was and what was going on around me, it really is a horrible illness, do you think this was swine flu? and how long does it take to be back to 100% again after the worst part of the symptoms have ped? is stomach aches normal after swine flu? any advice is welcome :) NHS just put me through to a recorded information service which doesnt really tell me anything just wastes my phone credit!!

Biology help?

using knowledge of homeostasis,write an explanation about why a plant in the hot sun might wilt. including the following terms in the explanation:osmosis, balance, compartment, cell, water, permeability, membrane

Dustin hazelett vs matt hughes who would win?

I'm going with Hughes on this. He's a good enough grappler to stifle Hazelett's attacks. He'd get a good top position and win by ground-and-pound.

What does she really want? to be my friend or something else?

A girl asked me if she could whip me and said I was her slave both things gave off a weird vibe. I have never really been exposed to this sort of thing I heard her say something about and she leans on my shoulders and grabs my chest when she sees me. She takes martial arts and likes most of the things I like. When I talk to her my friends sometimes intrudes on the conversation but I am always glad to see her but sometimes I'm not really sure about her. I have zero dating experience, and can't tell if she is flirting. she is probably just my friend and is joking around with me.She also said something to somebody at my table about handcuffs, chains, and ropes and then she named off stuff to do while talking to him like orgies and s saying everyone at the table was one of her slaves. I think she just playing though but part of me is telling me to be a little wary of this girl(when it comes to chain, whips, roped, handcuffs,etc.).

Im doing laundry the other night...?

Yeah you are being immature but I suppose that's not uncommon for kids. THOSE WERE PICTURES DEAR. THEY WEREN'T ANYONE HE KNEW.

What do you think of this writing?

For many days thus feeling has come over me, I do not feel as if I am me. I feel a if I am spectating on my own life, I look in the mirror without a care, its barely me, that sits in there. It is me though, I cannot grasp, this simple fact, beyond the gl. I look, I stare, again and again, but no connection comes from them. I am just viewing what my eyes are seeing, 3rd person in my own head, a distant sense, but not one of distorted depth, but that of a barrier of unknown thickness between myself and it. I am here but I am not, I am only viewing what I myself, or whoever, is doing. I look around and feel astray, it’s all so close, but yet so far away. My surroundings are so familiar but so benign, I am just a stranger in my own mind. Part of me knows what’s around me, the other is lost in a daze, what is all this, everything is in a haze. All I hear are muffled sounds, as if a pillow covered a speaker, the sound, always drowned. I drink, not because I am thirsty, but because something tells me to, I do not taste it, but am only told how it is. An artificial sense of what is actually there, I am trapped inside of myself, but before I get out, why am I in here? Can I be let out? When did this cage come down over me, I feel as if I am controlling a surrogate from afar with all sensations dulling more by each mile from which they came. How did this happen? When did I become embodied in myself? Why am I specating my life away? How am I supposed to react to what’s going on in me, I do not know, why? If I knew how to react maybe it would help, but until then I am in the middle of nowhere lost, no surprise. Who is the real me, is it this person I live in, or is it me who is talking now? Double-processing every movement, you are uncomfortable, I’m moving you’re leg, my leg is moving, like two separate minds. Why is this happening? It all seems very odd to me, I do not know, the more I think about it the more apparent it becomes. I do not understand it but I follow, there is no other choice. In my own body I have one, but I don’t; a voice, because the one I keep reacting to, to me, is an unknown device.

What movie should i see tonight...Bruno, Harry Potter, or public enemies?

Ok, I saw all 3 of those movies. Unless you want to see s, ' and lots of other disgusting stuff, DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE! Especially not with ur parents. Harry Potter... i would give a 7. It was alright for some things but you need to see every movie to really understand what's going on. Public Enemies I would rate a 6.3. It was alright but not one of Johnny Depp's greatest movies.

Effective way to put acid in food without it disolving it, yet keeping the acid concentrated?

That's IT. Yahoo Answers used to be a paradise of questions and answers! Now its just a wasteland of trolling and stupid questions. There is no ways to do what you asked.

What was the name of the list of rules of the league of nations?

I am doing a crossword about the league of nations from world war two for history cl. One of the hints is: The list of rules of the league of nations. The letters are: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t. So the last letter is t. please help me! thanks!

Fujitsu TV has no power?

Fujitsu 50 wide plasma model # P50XHA30WS. The TV doesnt turn on at all, no picture, no sound, no color blinking,nothing. I open the TV and I use my tester to see if power was going to the power supply and that seems to be fine, The cable going to the power supply have power but the problem still the same,any advice would help, thanks