Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What would you like to read about???? many questions but looks longer than it is!! Answers very appreciated!?

Well before I can answer I want to let you know that whatever you decide to write, there will be a market wanting to read it so don't take offense by people leaving messages who have never wrote or attempted writing a book. I myself just finished a book and its a lot of work so at the end of it (I'm now on my second) and I wouldn't dare rule any story idea out because I know how it can expand and became something beautiful. As for your question, every story needs a conflict/ drama so a love story isnt so far fetch because in almost any story there is love in it. Right now the market is looking for great sci fi so that's something to think about. If i were you, I'd look in history and find flaws or dates missing or soemthing you like and put your own spin on things (300 is a great example and I don't mean the movie but the graphic novel by frank miller). Also there isnt much stories for YA in a boys POV so yours could stick out in the crowd of querys that literary agents and publishing companies get.

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