Friday, August 12, 2011

I need some serious mental help but am unsure of what to ask for?

Its hard for me to make friends. I talk to strangers, we might exchange info but they never follow up. A few weeks ago I met this guy, later we went on date and that ended badly. We texted back and forth for awhile I asked him out and he asked me what I wanted to do and never got back to me. The date I had before that (December) was with a professional that also ended in him not returning my message. In both cases the men contacted me 1st then changed there minds. Both rejections took my self esteem down the toilet. Not really over the men themselves but the situation. I'm at least as pretty as Kerry Washington. I haven't had a boyfriend in nearly 4 years, I haven't had in over 1.5 and when Ive tried lately to have people freak out by my forwardness. I'm 26.5 and I haven't had someone that I think is great tell me that I was beautiful in 4 years. I dont feel beautiful. I guess I am desperate because I hate this trend and I dont want to waste my best years alone. Also its hard for me to be hopeful. I have to give myself pep talks to smile and approach men and it just ends up with me crying all the time and hating myself for not being more likeable. Even when i had boyfriends they never stayed long, Ive never had a long term relationship. Its hard for me to not think I have a personality crisis when boys keep rejecting me. I worry that I am unlovable. I am curious to why when my heart gets broken it feels the same. I want help to stop longing for love, to focus more on things I can offer myself like education. I want to work on building self esteem and becoming resilient to rejections. Im not sure who I should go to for that, can you offer any suggestions (besides God) I am Christian and God doesn't care about my social life. Maybe a life coach? Thanks

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