Saturday, August 13, 2011

When can a maintenance man answer questions about paying of rent instead of rental manager answering?

We live in NY state. We own a mobile home located in a mobile home park. We pay rent on the lot. We are a little behind, but nothing major. We had our home sold. The buyer asked the maintenance man about our payment history without our permission. The maintenance man told him we were behind $1900.!!! This amount is totally wrong. First of all, I feel the mainenance man should not have had access to these records and should have referred the buyer to the park manager. Second, this amount is way off. Third, how can the maintenance man release our personal credit/payment info without our permission. I feel that with him releasing the wrong amt, etc, it is slander. It also caused us to lose the sale. We were going to take money from the sale and catch up the lot rent. Any insight or info would be appreciated

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