Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Culturally Speaking:When you see a Hispanic?

Do you see them as a Race or do you see them as a group of diffent races and ethnic groups? I know Hispanic is not a race but I still look at them as a race.When I see someone who is Hispanic I don't say "he is a probaly a white, Indian or Black Hispanic I still look at that person as just being Hispanic. Like for example my neighborhood is pretty diverse with whites, blacks, hispanics, Viets, Laotions and Cambodians and when I see someone who looks Hispanic I still see that person as a diffrent race then I am even if that person might be white like I am.And futhermore I have never heard a hispanic person ever say "I"m a white or black Hispanic.Most them just say they are Mexican, Hispanic, Latino , Chicano or something like that. Just like I never hear Arabs ever say that they are Caucasian.Sorry for rambling and the typos I am a little drunk.

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