Monday, August 15, 2011

Dell Dimension 2400 drivers?

I've already looked on the Dell Website til my eyes bled so I'm breaking down in dire hopes that someone has had this same issue, and judging by all of the exact same forums I know some have, and came up with a solution. All I need is a simple basic list of which drivers to download. I already know in which order to install to deter tweaks and all that but the Dell site lists 73 drivers and isn't precise as to which one to get or get them all. I finally gave up reasoning and tried to download all thinking they new would trump the old but then it asked me to download some type of Dell downloader and it didn't work so I gave it up. I've spent the last two days getting a running OS on a desktop that I wiped clean, purposely but not expecting this headache. So, in summation; I need to know all drivers, preferably current that need to be downloaded for a Dell Dimension 2400 running WinXP PRO with SP2 and as soon as I get the drivers in I'm gonna update to SP3. All advice is welcome but please no "try searching" answers or "Google it" because I've done that for so long I'm quite surprised my cranium didn't explode. I'm asking for a drivers for dummies, minus instructions and all that. A website, personal list....someone who is running XP can jot down their drivers right quick,,,,,and heck, if there is a disc with it already to go *cough cough* (a resource disc) link, that would also work just as well. I found the OS quite easily but these next few steps are.....well......very annoying. Thanks to anyone for any words!

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