Sunday, August 7, 2011

People who have had swine flu?

We have been ill for a week now with what I believe to be swine flu, we have had chills, high fevers, severe sore throats, tiredness, my daughter has vomited, we have lots of mucus and now we have stomach aches. We saw a doctor as we thought it was tonsilitis when the sore throat flared during flu.. which I thought was just seasonal flu, however after seeing the doctor he gave us antibiotics and told us to call back if symptoms got worse, we no longer test for swineflu in our country as too many people were getting it. one day I just laid in bed swetting and the day before that my fever was so high I was really confused about where i was and what was going on around me, it really is a horrible illness, do you think this was swine flu? and how long does it take to be back to 100% again after the worst part of the symptoms have ped? is stomach aches normal after swine flu? any advice is welcome :) NHS just put me through to a recorded information service which doesnt really tell me anything just wastes my phone credit!!

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